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Showing posts from March, 2022

Pope Francis and his change for the LGBT community

    The Pope is not a simple man.



Police in Asia can take legal action on the superior

  This is Kinsey Sue your boss if they were homophobia.

India : Transgender has no cast system

    Would the transgenders in India help to abolish the caste system ?

Jakim, stop harrasing the LGBT in Malaysia

    According to News Nav report, Jakim has developed an app to urge the LGBT to return to normal life.



Malaysia : LGBT in PRN Johor

  It would be more the bi sexuals are discriminating the LGBT community.

Chi Chat Box : Tiny house should be more suitable for gays and lesbians

    Will the gays and lesbians consider this?

体育 :练俊杰


377 Penal Code in Malaysia can be hurting all Malaysians

  Those countries which were colonised by the British Empire even after gaining independence still did not change the bad penal code 377.

Chi Chat Box : Do not force people to have kids

    After watching the Stop Having Kids group working laboriously to promote the concept for not having kids. 

Cinema : This Portugese movie for the PLU

    Is this movie produced by the Brazil or Portugal ?