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LGBT in Thailand

  It is interesting to know that Thailand passed the same sex sexual activity in 1956, before Malaya Peninsula gained her independence.

The anti homosexual nerds this winter can wake you up

    The Christians and Muslims are the biggest group to oppose same sex marriage law.

張 棟 樑 何 时 要 出 柜?


Discussion : Homosexuals are God sent to balance the world population

    Do you agree that ?

Heterosexual stop having kids

    Do you know why we call you to stop having kids ?

Singapore : They are cowards or politicians

  With the first class life style but third class thinking.

Why no Asia gay films ?

  The list of various gay films from different countries.

Most people are bisexuality -Susan Sarandon

    The report said Susan Sarandon came out as bisexuality.

India : Get the same sex marriage law passed

  Why the politicians like to play with the homosexual issues?

Malaysia : They are better than the religious leaders

  We respect this group of people.

United Kingdom still discriminates homosexuals

   Religion is the biggest block of progress for the society.

Discussion : Why the Malaysia bi sexuals are not as brave as Thai bi sexual

    Who created anti homosexual activity?



Best wishes to Parti Sosialis Party

  The 15th National Election was over.

Chi Chat Box : #Undirosak is a new tool to show to the politicians

    It is good to use the spoilt vote in the modern era especially in the internet age.

Malaysia : Check your detail in SPR before you go to voting station

    Don't get flatter by this picture.

Chi Chat : How 377 Penal Code kills the talents in Malaysia

  Those countries with 377 Penal code should consider abolishing it.

What the two queens can help the Lesbian community?

      So, the queens are from ancestors who did not ban the same sex marriage.

How many Malaysia judges are LGBT ?

    Here is the gay judge, Edwin Cameron.

Malaysia’s Rainbow History

    Homosexual was in Malaysia or Malaya more precisely.

LGBT members in Rembau and Air Kuning should vote Parti Sosialis Malaysia

  General Election 15 (GE15) in Malaysia has kicked started.

Derma kepada Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

  Mari kawan semua, terutama komuniti LGBT di Malaysia.

Sports : Is Malaysia in the Gay Games in 2023 ?

  Are the Malaysia gays and lesbians like sports events?

Malaysia : Homosexual can sue the government for mental health.

  The driver won the legal case to sue the government for damaging the vehicle because of the bad road condition, potholes.

Surrogacy is a sin

    Rape is a sin and a crime.

Look at me or look at the voters

    The Christian community never lives in internet age.

The rainbow community should vote PSM

    The PRU15 is here.

Discussion : #PRU15 vs Pink Vote

    Malaysians are entering the next phase of life as the National Election is round at the corner.

Does the homosexual community do something like the ancestors ?

    It is hard to believe that many LGBT communities do not use the Kinsey Scale Test to challenge the politicians, religious leaders for not approving the same sex marriage.

Flood here and there, why ?

    The politicians are hypocrites. They blamed the fossil fuel.

New Bi sexual test, Klein Grid Test

    If you did not feel Kinsey Scale Test were the best for your bi sexuality, you could do the Klein Grid Test.

Do environmentalist in the world support same sex marriage?

    Until now, have not seen the environmental organisations in the world publicly support the same sex marriage.

Anti homosexual, go on to suffer the climate change

  If the countries in the world all in a month approved the same sex marriage law, the world will not be the same in ten years.

Homosexuality in the Islamic World

  It is interesting.

Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) Socialism Conference 2022

    Among the political parties in Malaysia, only Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) dares to voice out openly about the plight of LGBT.

Gay swimmers

  Sports organisations needed to be more matured to look at the things differently. 

Pink Vote : Cuba approved same sex marriage law

    Congratulations to Cuba for reducing the world environmental problem.

Information : Gay games in 2023

  Keep the date and support the games.

Homosexual has a long history in India

  This is a very interesting short film about the homosexual in India.

Can LGBTQ+ and Christians See Eye To Eye?

    Religions are the greatest opposer for homosexuals.

Rome's Gay Emperors and Soldiers

    Does the history of homosexuals help the LGBT community?

The evolution of homosexuality: A new theory

    Here is another set of theory of homosexuals.

Homosexual is made but not in the gene

  The Darwin Theory of evolution has this to say.

Is the LGBT community using the wrong tactics to fight for the rights?

    From the western countries to the eastern part of the earth, LGBT community is using the same slogan for decades but never change.

Stan Chris, a gay soccer player

  Stan is not a famous soccer players.

Vietnam : The same sex marriage legalisation was cheated by the politicians

  The LGBT community in Vietnam should be more careful when next national election comes.

Tell the politicians to do the Kinsey scale test

  Why the LGBT communities do not want to use the Kinsey Report to argue with the politicians ?

377A in Singapore has repealled but no joy

  Now look, Singapore government does not really help the LGBT community regarding the repealing of 377A.

Singapore : Repealing the 377a comes back with a tougher law

  The PM of Singapore MR LEE Hisen Loong has repealed the 377a penal code.