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Showing posts from December, 2022



LGBT in Thailand

  It is interesting to know that Thailand passed the same sex sexual activity in 1956, before Malaya Peninsula gained her independence.

The anti homosexual nerds this winter can wake you up

    The Christians and Muslims are the biggest group to oppose same sex marriage law.

張 棟 樑 何 时 要 出 柜?


Discussion : Homosexuals are God sent to balance the world population

    Do you agree that ?

Heterosexual stop having kids

    Do you know why we call you to stop having kids ?

Singapore : They are cowards or politicians

  With the first class life style but third class thinking.

Why no Asia gay films ?

  The list of various gay films from different countries.

Most people are bisexuality -Susan Sarandon

    The report said Susan Sarandon came out as bisexuality.

India : Get the same sex marriage law passed

  Why the politicians like to play with the homosexual issues?