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Showing posts from May, 2023

Millions of homosexuals or bisexuals in Nigeria

  The video is including the large group of people in the survey,this large group of people is the bisexuality.

Mating Strategies in Conflict?

    Many researches did not touch on the environment and same sex marriage.

Religion vs disgust on homosexual

    Here we use homosexual but not LGBT.

Alan Joyce, a gay CEO

  If Alan were borne in Malaysia, Indonesia or Brunei, he would not be able to hold the CEO job in any companies.

Same sex marriage will be passed in #Thailand

  Though the founder of Singapore did not see Singapore accepting the same sex marriage law, Singapore has only accepting part of the same sex activity, repealing the 377 a Penal Code.

Malaysia has no LGBT politicians,why ?

  Our blog post showed the LGBT politicians in 6 countries in South East Asia.

Thailand : Will the LGBT community have better life after national election ?

    It is interesting to know that Thailand has more than 20 times of coup d'état but the homosexual community is not much being changed.

Gay dance troup in Cambodia

  Cambodia though not as LGBT friendly as Vietnam, she has good citizens to understand that homosexual is by nature.

LGBT #Malaysia sudah sedia mengubah?

    Pilihan negeri akan tiba tidak lama lagi, sudah LGBT komuniti sedia buang undi rosak ?

LGBT politicians in South East Asia

    A search online shocked us for the LGBT politicians in South East Asia are mainly from the transgender. 

Cambodia Pride has progressed

    The history of Cambodia Pride can be far long 15 years ago.