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Showing posts from July, 2024

Gay M’sian Asks

  This is the problem of the gay community.

Let the Olympic God decides

   If you were a homophobia ? Do not use computer and mobile phone. 

When will it be accepted to be Muslim and gay?

    Mental health people are lots. You cannot tell them now it is the internet age. Robert Kinsey did a survey and research half a century ago but not many countries dare to list the course in their psychology course in the universities.  Are you sure you are a heterosexual ? Do the Kinsey Scale Test to see your straightness here There is no heterosexual on earth. It is bisexual the largest group and come next is the homosexual group. Homosexual is God sent angel to balance the world population.They reduce the world population and protect the natural resources. Do you get that ?  The fairy tales from Bible and Quran are lots to be expected for the mental health people especially the Muslims. If the rule of Islam would change, allowing Muslims to leave the religion as they wished, you know the result.  Now you can also look at the fingers of the religion leaders to know whom they are. Of course, bisexual and hom...

Does society accept being bi?

   Most of the homophobia are not living in the internet age.  In fact, there is no heterosexual on earth. Do your Kinsey Scale Test and see how straight you are. Most bisexual politicians can be seen from their gay fingers.    Thus, they do not accept it. 

Why religions are afraid of same sex marriage law ?

    Now it is the internet age, you are able to see the orientation of a person via their fingers.

Love is not free and easy in Asia

  Even though not the homosexual marriage, at time, the caste system is the biggest block for love and marriage, especially in India.

Indonesia : Being gay is hard but being HIV ...

    It is understandable for the LGBT in Indonesia to suffer more mental health.

Do not want to marry a gay man?

    Here are few ways to find your husband or boy friend whether is a gay or a bisexual.

How closeted life made your mental health worse

    Folks, be brave to come out.

Is Singapore going to pass the same sex marriage law?

  It would not likely as too many mental health people caused by the religions in Singapore.

Namibia strikes down colonial-era laws criminalizing gay sex

  Congratulations Namibia !

Jerry Windle, a real environmental saver

    We respected Jerry much.

Drug in the gay community

  The gay community should begin to do something about it.

Should Pride Month make a change of its content?

   Pride Month came a long way. 2024 is gone and we think of a change for the 2025.