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Is the King of Cambodia a homosexual ?


 In Chinese history, the emperor who were homosexuals were not hide behind the curtain. 

Of course, the power of the King or emperor was powerful. No one dare to gossip about it. Furthermore, Christianity and Islam were not yet borne.

As the gossip went, the Cambodia King is the focus for the homosexual community but no one dare to talk about.

Of course, with his power and the modern day medical science to backup, the King of Cambodia today can easily help the homosexual community to lead a better life by legalising the same sex marriage.

Those who visited Cambodia should know that, the gay pubs,bars and the male prostitution are everywhere in Cambodia major towns especially in the capital city with many foreign toursits.

The King of Cambodia is an educated person. He should have know the Kinsey report and Kinsey Scale Test. Why he does not want to instruct his government officials to do the Kinsey Scale Test so that they know that they are gays or bi sexuals.

The King of Cambodia seems to be pretty "saint" with less involvement in the public work. One can hardly find his pictures or acitivities in YouTube.

Perhaps, someone should send him the Kinsey Report.

2017 diplomat aticle

Article 31 of the Cambodian Constitution reaffirms these principles in its recognition and respect for human rights as stipulated in the international treaties, providing that all Khmer citizens are “equal before the law, enjoying the same rights, freedom and fulfilling the same obligation” regardless of their distinctive statuses; and shall “have the right to participate actively in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the nation.” (Article 35)

Though same-sex relations are not criminalized, they are neither protected nor recognized by Cambodian law. Existing legislation does not specifically prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and there are no sanctions for those who violate the human rights of LGBT persons. Therefore, LGBT persons often face a “high level of stigma, discrimination and exclusion in a variety of settings such as home, school, the workplace, health facilities, and public spaces.” Many, in particular transgender persons, often find themselves isolated and vulnerable, and without the skills or knowledge to sustain themselves. This lack of recognition and protection of the sexual minority rights deters LGBT individuals from fully enjoying the rights to participate in the political, social, economic, cultural and inclusive development of the Kingdom.



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