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Singapore : Repealing the 377a comes back with a tougher law


The PM of Singapore MR LEE Hisen Loong has repealed the 377a penal code.

His announcement did not make the LGBT community too happy.

If you watched the speech, the family unit still the bigger part for it. Who all the time talking of family ? Of course, the Christians are using the bible to punish the gays and lesbians.

It would be best that the members of Christian faith, go for the Kinsey Scale Test below, or find more online to determine your sexual preference. Do not hide behind the veil of religion.

 Of course, the LGBT community, especially the gays and lesbians need to change the attitude by not following the American or western style to have surrogacy but instead helping the society as the below suggested.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced at the National Day Rally on Sunday (Aug 21) that Singapore will repeal S377A, which criminalises sex between men. “I believe this is the right thing to do, and something that most Singaporeans will now accept,” said Mr Lee. He adds that the Government has no intention of changing the definition of marriage as one between a man and a woman, and will amend the Constitution to protect definition of marriage from being challenged in the courts. READ:


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