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Showing posts from November, 2022

Malaysia : They are better than the religious leaders

  We respect this group of people.

United Kingdom still discriminates homosexuals

   Religion is the biggest block of progress for the society.

Discussion : Why the Malaysia bi sexuals are not as brave as Thai bi sexual

    Who created anti homosexual activity?



Best wishes to Parti Sosialis Party

  The 15th National Election was over.

Chi Chat Box : #Undirosak is a new tool to show to the politicians

    It is good to use the spoilt vote in the modern era especially in the internet age.

Malaysia : Check your detail in SPR before you go to voting station

    Don't get flatter by this picture.

Chi Chat : How 377 Penal Code kills the talents in Malaysia

  Those countries with 377 Penal code should consider abolishing it.

What the two queens can help the Lesbian community?

      So, the queens are from ancestors who did not ban the same sex marriage.

How many Malaysia judges are LGBT ?

    Here is the gay judge, Edwin Cameron.

Malaysia’s Rainbow History

    Homosexual was in Malaysia or Malaya more precisely.

LGBT members in Rembau and Air Kuning should vote Parti Sosialis Malaysia

  General Election 15 (GE15) in Malaysia has kicked started.

Derma kepada Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

  Mari kawan semua, terutama komuniti LGBT di Malaysia.