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Chi Chat : How 377 Penal Code kills the talents in Malaysia


Those countries with 377 Penal code should consider abolishing it.

The colonial system which left for you have nothing much to be benefitted. 

Many homosexuals, here do not talk about the bi sexuals or transgender as the penal code does not cover it. Of course, the bi sexuals can be easily be put in jails too.

The 377 penal code as this blog has discussed before it is a good tool for all people to topple your enemy in the political arena or commercial sectors. Of course, the bribery is another can be occurred.

Therefore, you want to make a petition to your government. Here is a report from BBC about the 377 penal code.

Malaysia LGBT community should consider team up with legal community to look into the constitution issue on the 377 Penal Code. There are lawyers and judges are gays,lesbians and bi sexuals, of course, transgender is not been seen yet.

Now the politicians in Malaysia should seriously consider to abolish 377 Penal Code to maintain the talents in Malaysia.

Many gays and lesbians migrated to other countries or work overseas, one example is the grandson of the late LEE Kuan Yew, who is working in the USA with his partner. Both are professors. Thus you can see how gays and lesbians can help Malaysia. Unless you are silly enough.

Most LGBT members do not use the modern slogan on Homosexual and Environment. Homesexuals reduce the world population. If the world approved the same sex marriage, today, we won't see the world climate problem.

Think creatively. 




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