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Malaysia has no #homosexual lawyers


This is a very familiar sentence, Malaysia has no gays from a minister in the past.

Now we would like to ask, does Malaysia have gay lawyers?

If the legal sector has only 100 lawyers, there would be very less homosexual lawyers, certainly, bisexual lawyers are there. Take a look of the statistics.  

From the number above, we could see the large number of practising lawyers but those who studied law but not practising legal affair.

Why no one dare to come out to challenge the abolishing of 377 Penal Code. They know very well that the 377 Penal Code can be used to sabotage any opponents in political fields or commercial sectors. They should urge the commercial sectors to support the move of abolishing the 377 Penal Code. 

Maybe they prefer to close the door and have fun in the bed room as the current PM said it four years ago here.


What he said is wrong, Buddhism accept the homosexual and at the same time it is not a religion. Of course, Hinduism also accepts the homosexual because there are few Hindu gods are transgenders. 

Those Hindus who do not accept homosexual are poisoned by the colonial system.


Yes, can do it in the closed doors. There are saying there us a lady of ex PM daughter, is also a bisexual or a lesbian. She is active in the 5 star hotel, the Muslim organisation dared not go to arrest her beside she is the daughter of ex PM.

Now here is clear that the lawyers can bravely change the life for themselves and others. Muslim lawyers are a double pressured situation. But if you looked at Siti Kassim, how a lawyer should be done.


Why not Siti Kassim takes the lead to challenge the 377 Penal Code? If in Singapore and India 377 Penal Code were against the constitution, why in Malaysia is not ?

Now, it is only the lawyers now who can change the life of homosexual, in millions, to lead a new life. Whether BN or PH, nothing much is change for the LGBT community, in the real situation, there are more bisexuals than the homosexuals. 

Do the Kinsey Scale Test, to see how straight you are. Don't cheat your feelings for the same sex. 


The Face Behind The Fight For Same-Sex Marriage | Pride Month 2023

 This Pride Month, meet Utkarsh Saxena, a lawyer and a petitioner for the right to same-sex marriage in India. Growing up, Utkarsh knew that while the world was made in one way, he was made the another. Watch him share his side of the story, coming out twice and his fight for love as he takes the giant leap to be recognised, accepted and embraced. This Pride Month, we bring you a series of episodes where we bring you unique stories of people of the LGBTQ+ community. Stay tuned for more.



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