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Who decide your marriage



In the past, the parents were the ones to decide for the daughters to have good husband, financially especially is the priority.

Later, it seemed to have complicated religions to say it.

Even parents allow same sex marriage but the religions say NO. 

Now, tell the religion leaders to do the mental health test. 

Beside, looking at the fingers of the religion leaders, the politicians, who also involve the right of same sex marriage, their fingers say a lot about their sexual preferences.

Why the same sex marriage is decided by the politicians? 

Do you think it is fair ?

How do you go about to fight for your right with the politicians who themselves are bisexual, mostly and few are homosexual.

It is time to know your right and the Kinsey Scale Test can help the religion leaders and politicians to know their sexual preferences. Here is the test site, challenge the politicians to do it.

Say NO to the law of the country now.


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