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More than 100 leaders from various parts of the world attended the COP26 in Glasgow.

But within these 100 countries, how many of them, the leaders are willing to accept the same sex marriage? You can read our article by searching the tag environment.

Homosexual is the group of people to reduce the world population and thus the exploitation of world resources.

Look, the world is overpopulated and thus the world resources are exploited by the people. Now take a simple look of the example. If the house could only live 40 persons but it is now 80 persons, what will happen to the house ? 

It is similar that the earth is the same size but the population has grown without stopping. How the consumption of food required daily?

Now, the environmentalists should walk the talk. They should not fly the plans, like the young lady, who is being manipulated to sail from Europe to New York. Environmentalists should not use all equipment related to fossil fuel. 

There millions of environmentalists in the world, if you could stop using all the fossil fuel items for a month, you could see how the fossil company felt. If you could call for more people to do so, the fossil fuel company will be closed due to no demand. Right, the cause of the environmental issue today is the demand and supply theory. 

The environmentalists should work hands in hands with the LGBT groups to fight for the legalising same sex marriage. Read the Kinsey Report and see how many people are really heterosexuals. Many environmentalists are either bi sexual or homosexuals. Do the Kinsey Scale Test online to see for your true identity. Don't hide behind the bible or quran the fiction books.

Read our articles and share them in Twitter or Facebook, instagramme etc

Do you know how many homosexuals married and get babies ? This is the reason why the world population is increasing in the alarming rate.

Of course, stop the surrogacy too. Our writer will touch on more of this later.

Look at the short film about homosexuals in China. The number is more than millions. This video was made in 2016.


Leaders of more than 100 countries pledged late Monday to stop and reverse deforestation and land degradation by the end of the decade, according to the COP26 chair, the United Kingdom. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forest and Land Use is an "unprecedented agreement." Brazil, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which collectively account for 85% of the world's forests, are among those backing the joint statement to be released at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow. The pledge is backed by almost $20 billion (over €17 billion) in public and private funding, the UK government said. The devastation that global warming is having on the planet can be seen everywhere – with the Arctic among the regions bearing the brunt. Scientists warn that it is heating up much faster than the rest of the world. They're urging global leaders gathering at COP26 to turn their words into tough action.


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