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The brothel house in Buckingham


The report said that Buckingham Palace was a former gay brothel site.

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In the 1600s, a gay brothel may have occupied the location where Buckingham Palace now sites, according to some historians. 22

The LGBTQ+ historian Norton Rictor wrote in 2013 that gay cruising spots and brothels may have started operating in London around the start of the 17th century, reported PinkNews.

The essay, “The Gay Subculture in Early Eighteenth-Century London,” noted that Clement Walker, an English politician, wrote in 1649 about brothels and gay male sex workers.

He wrote that there were “new-erected sodoms and spintries at the Mulberry Garden at S. James’s.”

“Sodoms” referred to the brothels and “sprintries” to the gay sex workers, according to the outlet.

Buckingham Palace May Have Been Site of Gay Brothel in the 1600s


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