Thailand government has decriminalized the possession of hemp and cannabis. But they don't allow the same sex marriage in the country.
Can the same sex marriage harm the society like the drug?
It is up to you to see it from which your point of you.
The religious one would say yes. However, Buddhism is not a religion and Buddhism did not forbid the same sex marriage. It is only the Christians and Muslim in Thailand protesting the law for same sex marriage.
If the Christians and Muslims could provide the evidences that same sex marriage is harmful to the society like the hemp and cannabis, we support the ban on same sex marriage,
Now the Thailand LGBT groups must challenge the authority to allow the same sex marriage law be passed.
According to the report, the government is looking into the money because they can export the hemp to other countries. But they have forgotten, that same sex marriage can solve the environment problem. The world is over populated now.
Why you need to pay for the carbon tax instead of reducing the population ?
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