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Stop having kids organisation is a great one


 The LGBT community should work with this Stop Having Kids organisation to save the environment.

Homosexual is the God sent angel for not producing the babies to save the earth. Stop Having Kids is another form of environmental protection.

The world population is over now. 

We have said times and again, each country passes the same sex marriage law, the world will not be destroyed.

Many said they are straight, hold on, do the Kinsey Scale Test here to see how straight you are.

Save the environment by reducing the world population. 

No demand, no supply. No supply, no exploitation of natural resources on earth.

 Solo outreach at the Manayunk Arts Festival in Philadelphia, PA. Before doing SHK advocacy none of us realized how common it is for humans to justify procreation on the basis that they'd be spreading their genetics. SHK website: Contact Stop Having Kids: Volunteer With Stop Having Kids: SHK Twitter: SHK Facebook: SHK Instagram: Donate To Stop Having Kids:



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