If you did a search online, lesbian fingers, you could have found only less than ten items.
Why the people, the Lesbian community is so ignorance about it ? The reason is the gay and lesbian community are not working hand in hand to discover more information about the both groups. Lesbians could be easily passed through to be the heterosexual if they did not mention it. The productive organ of male and female are internal and external.
However, you can go to the pride events and do a research. But the homosexual community is not interested to do it.
Here is the gay fingers, if you were a bisexual woman, don't marry the gay. You would have no much pleasure in life for intimacy.
Now there is another way to have the most accurate test for sexual preference, that is Kinsey Scale Test. However, it is very difficult to have large amount of people to do during the pride event. Most of the people in the pride events are not 100% homosexual, mostly are bisexuals.
We do not want to link the nonsense video from YouTube about lesbian fingers.
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