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How gay community caring for the old age?


In the countries where same sex marriage law is not passed, old homosexual dies of loneliness.

Even the married bisexual, as we found out there is not heterosexual people on earth, these bisexuals are among them, gays, who were forced into marriages in the 60s especially in Singapore and Malaysia. 

Singapore as a small nation, easier to get the data however, the quality of life for old age gays and lesbians are not tended by the gay community well. 

It is sad but true that the Singapore Pink Dot and Dear Straight People groups are not telling the world how they care for the old age homosexual community. 

The information and system they do can be shared for the world to do it.  For Malaysia, gay community also can do it but they are more obsessed into sexual pleasure instead of humanity.  

Old homosexual and bisexual are the same, they need caring but not much of wealth. 

Would the homosexual community beginning something in 2025? 

Let us keep our fingers crossed.

Why Do We Have Lonely Deaths? | Talking Point | Episode 40



Living & Dying Alone In Singapore: Facing Lonely Deaths | Dead Alone In Singapore - Part 1



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