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Stop using the sentence, I am proud of you


 Homosexual does not need proud.

The God created homosexual is to protect the environment and balance the world population. Which religions are not permitting the same sex marriage ? At the current internet age, only Christianity and Islam, both almost using the same religion text thus having same opinion. 

Homosexuals do not need the sentence " I am proud of you." What you need to know your sentence can't make the same sex law passed. You need to tell more people about the Kinsey Scale Test.

However, they do not live in the internet age to look at their fingers, gay fingers and know their sexual preferences. Of course, we know, just a look at the fingers, even as young as 5 years boy can be seen as the gays or bisexuals. You can trace it and know it. Our team members have seen more than 10k pairs of fingers on real people, pictures and film shows. 


Of course, many of these people, especially the famous people are not brave to come out as homosexual. Hiding in the shell of bisexual is much more safe but life quality is bad.

Beside looking at the gay fingers, do the Kinsey Scale Test at the above link, you can easily know your sexual preference. 

Don't hide and mislead by the religion text about homosexuality is a sin. It is because the religion leaders are employed by the churches to recruit more members. Thus you can see all those on the road or social media to get people go to churches. 

If Christians wanted more people to go to churches, you should support same sex marriage but not telling the nonsense, the 2000 years fairy tale and 1440 fairy tale are the same. 

Look at other religions, they are much more longer and do not discriminate the homosexual. 




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