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Approving same sex marrriage law to avoid the conflicts in Malaysia


 Dr M, you are right.

We can't disagree with you for your intelligence. 

But if you wanted to avoid the conflict, you could easily tell Kerajaan MADANI to approve same sex marriage. 

Of course, you should apologise to the gay community for the past bad mouths. 

We think gay community in Malaysia has a big heart for accepting your help to change the law, abolish the 377 penal code first and thus approve same sex marriage law like Thailand.

The climate change is caused by the over populated as we have said it times and again. Homosexual is angel sent by the God to balance world population. If you had such envisage of climate change 40 years ago, you approved the same sex marriage law in Malaysia, you won't have to worry it now. 

Do you know gay fingers ? 

You can look at your fingers and see how your fingers look like.

We do not want to talk about your fingers, of course, we would like to remind the readers, homosexual man can get married and have children. Homosexual woman would be much easier, just open the legs and all are done but the spiritual is not fulfilled. Thus you can see high percentage of single mothers in Malaysia.  

Watch this famous people and his life of hiding and cheating. 


Those in Malaysia, get out and tell the world you are gays. It is nothing wrong as you can live your life for the last few decades perhaps, happily. Unlike this old man, we still hope he could come out before during his 100 years old birthday. We are certain that his family members, grand children are having homosexuals too but rich people can hide in the high class hotel in Kuala Lumpur for gay meetings. 

Only we hope there is a God to make this old man realised that he has cheated his life not 27 years like Phillip but more than 80 years. As a medical doctor and studying biology, did not know the gay gene, it must be a big joke.  

Keep your fingers crossed to wait for the announcement or he brings his personal secret to the grave.


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