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Are People Born Gay?


 Of course, it is similar to the apple and oranges, they are borne as they are. 

The fruits provide nutrition to the human body as well to the insects etc, Homosexual is the nutrition for the society, to balance and protect the environment. 

Balancing the world population is the best way to reduce the pollution and the climate change, But many religious people, especially from only pretty young religions, Christianity and Islam, they are fiercely contending for the domination of the world power, and now the karma is taking the punishment to them, all people in the world are facing the climate change. 

Many gay communities did not think rationally, only following the Untied Nations saying the human rights, but politicians and religious people would not buy that idea. 

So,now you know the role of gay in the world, you still do not want to support the same sex marriage law in your country, especially in Malaysia ? 


 FIlmmaker Bryce Sage has had a big question on his mind, ever since he came out of the closet; how is evolution compatible with the existence of gay men? This investigative documentary explores the biology and evolution of male homosexuality, including whether or not people can be born gay.









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