In the internet age. you know homosexual is due to the testerone,
Now, here is the quick test for you to know how many heterosexual on this earth. Have you seen many men with the heterosexual fingers, both hands around you like the picture above?
Well, you see more homosexual fingers or gay fingers more than heterosexual if there is. Of course, the bisexual fingers. Many a time, the mass media talk about straight man, heterosexual but did not know about bisexual man on earth,
They just think that can marry a woman and have children that is the heterosexual man. However, you are wrong, there are lots of bisexual men on earth. Let them do the Kinsey Scale Test here
Just look at your fingers, you know whom you are, do not cheat yourself the love in your heart is for male, not the God.
In fact, God created homosexual is to balance the world population to protect the environment. Homosexual are naturally borne environment protectionists.
Here is the complete picture for you to see, the three main types of people but in fact, the research showed that there is no heterosexual people, in short, the heterosexual fingers man did not have both hands are having the heterosexual fingers, even he has, he might be the asexual.
Would the environment protection organisations know the cause of pollution is the caused by the over populated ?
No demand, no supply. No supply, no exploitation of natural resources? Look at the population in the 60s and the pollution in the same period of time.
If you did not relate that, homosexual is the environment protectionists by birth, you had severe analysis problem.
Do not talk much now , support for same sex marriage law to be passed in all countries in the world.
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