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Politicians in Malaysia do not know Pink Votes


We are not going to talk about religion leaders cum politiicans but only politicians in general, perhaps the world too. 

Pink vote should be the best weapon for the LGBT community in Malaysia as well as world wide. 

With the visible impact of the pink vote in Britain, Canada's political scenario also caught up with the pink vote politics.[21] This new idea has also been a topic of debate in the Australia's political system.[22]

There are countries like South Africa where the pink vote is yet to acquire such importance and the homosexual community is yet to be given any added importance in elections.[23

We did call for the pink vote in GE15, but not too many LGBT people care about it. They think that undi rosak is a waste of time, instead they stay at home. 

Undi rosak is a protest vote. It is in the internet age now. Thus get ready to do it for the coming GE16. Work in groups to disseminate the information of Undi Rosak is the preotest vote. 

Do not just vote out of the box, but write Pink Vote, two words with 8 letters. Easy work to get the right of yours back,

Homosexual is not a crime, corruption is, But LGBT community does not see the point in this.The 377 Penal Code left by the British coloniser was a wrong and skin colour discrimination. 

The LGBT community must wake up in the internet age, do not use the old info from United Nations Human Rights, saying same sex marriage is a human rights. 

Mental health people won't talk human rights. 

Do they know about the homosexual animals and bisexual flowers? 

Your fingers can tell us the sexuality. No one can hide behind the marriage. Look here, is your fingers in the ABC ,

Homosexual is caused by the testerone and it is also a part of creation of God to balance the world population to protect the environment. We have talked much about it. 

Look at the gay fingers of president.

The hidden gay like this president has caused him the mental health problem. This is the religion which pushes him to this state, thus, pink vote will wake him up in Uganda as well as in Malaysia.

Now, know your feelings, it cannot be hidden. 

Many researches are out in the world in this internet age. Dr Robert Kinsey had conducted the survey and came out with the Kinsey Scale Test. You can do it here.

Not only the gay fingers, we can see your knucles and know your sexuality too.

Why do you need to make people suffering is the most important question. 

Either the pink vote take you down, or you repeal the 377 Penal Code first and later approve the same sex marriage law. By then, you see many PAS members are rushing to register for the same sex marriage. 







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