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The Poet; Rumi was a gay



If you were a fan of Rumi, you might not be too happy.

A poet was a gay whether in this era of age or in the past, it is still the same because we are all human beings.

Get to know better of Rumi and his sexual preference. Of course, that time Kinsey Report was not out yet.

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Rumi: Poet and Sufi mystic inspired by same-sex love

Rumi and Shams soon became inseparable. They spent months together, lost in a kind of ecstatic mystical communion known as “sobhet” — conversing and gazing at each other until a deeper conversation occurred without words. They forgot about human needs and ignored Rumi’s students, who became jealous. When conflict arose in the community, Shams disappeared as unexpectedly as he had arrived.

Rumi’s loneliness at their separation led him to begin the activities for which he is still remembered. He poured out his soul in poetry and mystical whirling dances of the spirit.


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